About Perrymead

Perrymead has taken on several projects in and around Nottingham with a view to creating beautiful living spaces and effective work environments. Keen to preserve the history of the city through it’s elegant architecture while providing contemporary spaces for both work and home, Perrymead have, and continue, to sympathetically restore and reimagine some of the finest Victorian buildings in the city.

Company Information:

Company Name & Number
Perrymead Estates Ltd

Contact Number:
0115 824 6646

Registered Office:
Stoney Street Studios, 51 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LX

Oliver Wheatcroft

Co-owner & Director

Born in Nottingham, Ollie’s scattergun career took him to London, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and finally full circle back to Notingham in 1996. Since then he has follwed his love of property with many developments in the local area, and a few further afield. Ollie is responsible for the design and construction of our properties, so if you dont like them, it’s his fault!

Berta Toth

General Manager
Berta has managed businesses from IT to garments. She takes great pride in making sure that our properties are maintained to a high standard, and looks after our tenants. If you want something done, be nice to Berta.


Human Relations Manager
Stanley has a Masters Degree in Fetching from the Eastwood Kennel Club and enjoys keep fit and eating. He also provides close security as a sideline.